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How to get a free will

Joanna Faith
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If you don’t have a will – or you have one that needs updating – you can get it done for free this month.

March is Free Wills Month, which offers anyone 55 and over the opportunity to have their will written or updated free of charge by using a participating solicitor.

Here’s what you need to know:

Do I need a will?

Although there’s no legal requirement to have one, if you die without writing a will you can’t guarantee your wishes will be met. It also avoids difficult decisions for your loved ones.

Do I qualify for a free will?

You qualify if you are 55 or over or in the case of couples making a ‘mirror’ will, one of you is 55 and over.

What do I need to do?

Visit the Free Wills Month website to find a participating solicitor.  Appointments are limited and are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Once all available appointments are booked the campaign will close.


Is there really no fee?

The solicitor will waive their fee, which for a simple will is usually around £150. But you’re encouraged to make a donation to one of the Free Wills Month charities. You’re under no obligation to do so though.

What about if I’m under 55?

Another initiative, Will Aid, which has no age limit, could be an option if you don’t qualify for Free Wills Month. It launches in November but you can apply for an appointment now.

Participating solicitors draw up a basic will for clients without charging their usual fee. Instead, clients are invited to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid, which supports nine charities including NSPCC and British Red Cross.  The suggested donation level is £95 for a basic single will or £150 for basic mirror wills.

Related: See’s DIY vs professional will writing: what you should consider for more information.