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Free vitamin D supply for millions of vulnerable people

Paloma Kubiak
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Free vitamin D supplements for the winter will be given to 2.7 million vulnerable people in England.

All care homes in England will receive the supply for residents while those classed as clinically extremely vulnerable will receive a letter which says they can opt in for delivery to their address.

Delivery of the vitamin D winter supply will also be free and will give 2.7 million people four months’ of supplements to help them through winter.

The Department of Health and Social Care said the vitamins, which help with bone and muscle health, is particularly important this year as people have been spending more time indoors due to the coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Secretary of state for health and social care, Matt Hancock, said: “Because of the incredible sacrifices made by the British people to control the virus, many of us have spent more time indoors this year and could be deficient in vitamin D.

“The government is taking action to ensure vulnerable individuals can access a free supply to last them through the darker winter months. This will support their general health, keep their bones and muscles healthy and crucially reduce the pressure on our NHS.


“A number of studies indicate vitamin D might have a positive impact in protecting against Covid-19. I have asked NICE and PHE to re-review the existing evidence on the link between Covid-19 and vitamin D to ensure we explore every potential opportunity to beat this virus.”

The government added that anyone who is able to buy vitamin D supplements now is advised to do so, even if they are also eligible for a delivery later on.